Zimbabwe commemorates World No Tobacco Day

Zimbabwe commemorates World No Tobacco Day

31 May 2013 -- Today Zimbabwe joined the rest of the world in commemorating World No Tobacco Day in an event held at Rutendo Hall in Mufakose, Harare. This commemoration comes when  Zimbabwe is working on ratifying the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), and hoping to implement their obligations under the framework convention.

The commemoration’s theme was Ban tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship , and was drawing attention to the wrong message of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship that portrays the image that tobacco use is a fashionable or a desirable social habit.

In his statement to mark the day, Honorable Minister of Health and Child Welfare, Dr Henry Madzorera said emphasis should be on making sure that non smokers, especially young people, do not take up smoking. He said in this regard, his Ministry is working with the Ministry of Education, Sports, Art and Culture to educate young people regarding how the tobacco industry seeks to mislead them through advertising, promotion and sponsorship, with the intention of trapping them into a dangerous addiction. “There is need for all of us to be aware of the tobacco industry’s activities to undermine tobacco control efforts through advertising, promotion and sponsorship which lure you into believing that tobacco is good,” said Dr Madzorera. Honorable Minister Madzorera also called for stricter enforcement of legislation to safeguard the public against passive smoking.

Zimbabwe has Statutory Instrument 264 of 2002 on Tobacco Control which stipulates that smoking in public is prohibited. He urged people to safeguard their health by enforcing this law  which prohibits smoking in public areas. “You must speak out against those that want to smoke in your presence,” said Minister Madzorera.  He said the government of Zimbabwe will in the near future implement a more comprehensive ban on all forms of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship. “ We will not tolerate any interference from the tobacco industry as we go about our duty of forming and enforcing laws that are good for the health of our people,” said Dr Madzorera.

The Regional Director’s speech was read on behalf of the WHO Representative by Dr Lincoln Charimari, NPO/DPC.  The statement said that tobacco kills up to one half of all users and remains one of the leading preventable causes of death, killing nearly six million people each year worldwide, and of these more than 600,000 are those exposed to second-hand smoke. The statement also stated that evidence shows that a total ban on all tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship could decrease tobacco consumption by about 7%, independent of other tobacco control interventions, so banning tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship is a proven and effective measure to reduce the harmful effects of tobacco in society.

“Today, as we observe World No Tobacco Day 2013, I urge Member States to take concrete steps to ensure that any form of recommendation or action or commercial communication aimed at promoting a tobacco product directly or indirectly is banned,” read part of the speech. 

Also present at the commemoration was Dr Timothy Stamps, former Minister of Health and now Health Advisor in the office of the President and Cabinet. Dr Stamps and all the other speakers during the commemoration made it clear that the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) is the best chance of achieving what could become the largest positive impact on health in this century for Zimbabwe.

For more information contact:

juliasw [at] zw.afro.who.int

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